50 Cent Is Down For An Eminen Collab Album Under One Big Condition: Will Eminem be able to fulfill this condition?

Syndication: Austin American-Statesman

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Looks like this isn’t just a fantasy.

After Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre’s Missionary collab album, it seems like we might have another full-length link-up from that family tree on the way. Moreover, 50 Cent has now responded to Eminem’s recent comments about being down for a team-up LP via a new Instagram post. However, he made it clear that he wants to get one thing done first before hitting up the studio with Marshall Mathers for an extended period of time. “Looks like I’ll be back in the booth after all !” Fif shared on Instagram on Thursday (December 26). “Just gotta do this residency in Vegas first.”

“That would be great,” Eminem said of a potential 50 Cent collab album on his Shade 45 radio station for Christmas Day. “We just gotta stop bullsh*tting and do it. I would never say it’s not possible.” Previously, the Detroit lyricist expressed his wishes for the G-Unit mogul to drop a new project, something that he previously seemed to have closed the door on. “I’m trying to get him to make a new album so bad,” he told DJ Whoo Kid earlier in 2024. “We need another 50 album, like, really bad. 50’s on a roll right now. He’s been on a roll since the tour. I told him whatever the f**k he needs from me, I’m here. That s**t’d be crazy, though. An album with me and him.”


50 Cent Cosigns Eminem Collab Album

Furthermore, it seems like 50 Cent is more than happy to get this done with Eminem, although his Vegas residency is a pretty big priority right now. It kicks off tonight (Friday, December 27) and ends on January 4.

Meanwhile, 50 Cent had previously revealed that he’s working on new music, and that Eminem already told him that Dr. Dre was cooking up some beats for him. “As soon as I said that, I got a text from [Eminem] that he had already spoke to Dre, and that Dre is in there and he got some crazy stuff for me to go hear,” he stated. “This is my process: I’ll go make something, what I can find, the best music that I can put my hands on. And when I feel real good about it, I bring it to put pressure on Dre to offer me something. ‘Cause he’ll have something… He’s always had something.”