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It’s a pretty old thing to bring up, and adds another piece of evidence in Benzino’s complicated relationship with this feud.
Looks like the Eminem and Benzino’s feud will never, ever slow down, even if the former gets emotional over it every once in a while. Moreover, for those unaware, this beef reignited after Em’s diss against The Source‘s former executive on “Doomsday Pt. 2,” leading to some lyrical back-and-forths. On Friday (February 23), Benzino took yet another shot by posting Marshall Mathers in his full Britney Spears cosplay get-up for his “The Real Slim Shady” music video from 2000. Of course, this is a pretty old image and decision to make fun of in 2024, and also follows bizarre moments in which he seems to regret the whole thing and emotionally crumble because of it.
“This is your rap God huh?” Benzino captioned his latest takedown of Eminem. “Y’all can have him, he even got the white stockings pulled up to thighs. SMH s**t is ridiculous, and no this ain’t Ai.” Furthermore, this comes after he went on Drink Champs to talk about the whole situation and its current status. During the talk, the 58-year-old broke down amid overwhelmed feelings about the beef.
Benzino Drags Eminem’s Britney Spears Fit
“I don’t have nothing against Eminem,” Benzino tearfully expressed. “He can rap, but I care about us more. I don’t want to talk about it no more. My daughter came into the industry figuring, ‘I gotta be cool with Eminem because everybody is against my dad’… I don’t hate Eminem, I don’t know him to hate him. I don’t hate white people. I’m tired of this s**t, man. It’s just too much. I don’t want to be the bad guy.”
Some fans clowned this statement, especially when he doubled down on his “victory” in the feud in a The Art Of Dialogue interview that released a couple of days after this vulnerable moment. “I already killed him with ‘Rap Elvis.’ Where’s he at? Where’s the response? I want to battle him face-to-face, I think he’s overrated. I think he sucks as a rapper. I’m going to go down in history as the Eminem slayer.” What do you think about all these retaliations and shots? Let us know in the comments and log back into HNHH for the latest on Eminem and Benzino.