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Mac Miller’s second posthumous album dropped last night.
Last night, Mac Miller’s estate dropped his eagerly anticipated posthumous album, Balloonerism. The project previously leaked online, but this is its first official release approved by his loved ones. It was released days before what would have been the artist’s 33rd birthday and boasts appearances from SZA and his alter ego, Delusional Thomas. Today, social media is flooded with fans’ reactions to the album, and most of them are incredibly impressed.
“This Mac Miller album is sounding like he came back from the dead and recorded this last year. He was really that ahead of his time, wasn’t he?” one supporter writes on X. “Balloonerism takes the meaning of a ‘posthumous release’ to another level for me,” someone else writes. “Mac so vulnerably questions his purpose in life & what happens after death whilst evidently being at his lowest on the project… it’s so eerie but so beautiful at the same time rest in peace mac.”
Mac Miller’s Estate Unleashes Highly Anticipated Posthumous Album
SZA even took to X this morning to share a heartfelt message about the project. “I love my friend I miss my friend,” she said. “Grateful he saw something in me before most and treated me w love from day 1 . Wish he could see how right ab everything he truly was . Please go stream Balloonerism RIGHT NOW.” Others are praising the late performer’s estate, and arguing that this is one of the best examples of a posthumous release they’ve seen.
On top of the album, tickets for a one-night-only advance screening of a short film based on Balloonerism became available earlier this week. Proceeds from the events went to the Mac Miller Fund. The animated Samuel Jerome Mason-directed film is now available to stream on Prime Video. Mac’s estate first announced Balloonerism in November, calling it a “project that was of great importance to Malcolm.“
Social Media Users React To Balloonerism
“We believe the project showcases both the breadth of his musical talents and fearlessness as an artist,” they added, per AllHipHop. “Given that unofficial versions of the album have circulated online for years and that releasing Balloonerism was something that Malcolm frequently expressed being important to him, we felt it most appropriate to present an official version of the project to the world.”