50 never misses a tr0lling opportunity: He brutally disses Irv Gotti following his p:assing

DaBaby & Friends - Billion Dollar Baby Birthday Bash

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50 never misses a trolling opportunity.

50 Cent’s feud with Irv Gotti and Ja Rule was legendary. The rapper took on all of Murder Inc and won, setting himself up as the preeminent superstar of the 2000s. Irv Gotti and Ja Rule never quite regained their cultural relevance after the 50 feud. And now, on the heels of Irv Gotti’s death, 50 Cent has taken to Instagram to do more trolling. The rapper decided to post a photo of him next to a plastic tombstone and diss Gotti one last time.

50 Cent posted up while smoking hookah. The aforementioned tombstone was a clear nod to Irv Gotti, whose death had been confirmed less than an hour before. The caption took away any chance that fans were reading too far into the diss. “I’m smoking on dat Gotti pack,” the rapper wrote. “Nah God bless him 🕊️LOL.” Brutal. The response in the comment section was fixed. Some took 50 to task for being cruel to a man who had just passed. They called out the rapper’s immaturity. Others, however, were unsurprised by 50 Cent’s actions.


50 Cent Smoked On “Dat Gotti Pack” After Irv’s Death

The rapper’s feud with Murder Inc was a personal as well as professional matter. 50 did not like Irv Gotti and Ja Rule, and made it known. It was not feud for clout, the way 50’s spat with Kanye West was a few years later. The rapper actually taunted Gotti nonstop during the last few months of his life. When it was confirmed that Gotti had suffered a stroke in August 2024, 50 posted a photo of the mogul walking with a cane. “Damn homie, in high school you was the man homie, WTF happened to you,” he wrote, making reference to his 2003 song “Wanksta.”

50 Cent also mocked Irv Gotti’s deteriorating health days before his death. Various outlets confirmed that Gotti suffered another stroke on February 4. 50, without missing a beat, made light of the Murder Inc. boss while simultaneously promoting his new show. “Damn,” he wrote on Instagram. “I wanted him to see my new shows yo!.” 50 is currently embroiled in a beef with Big Meech, his son Lil Meech, and his old foe, Rick Ross. It says a lot about the rapper’s mindset that he took time out to target Gotti. Tough.