Growing peppers in pots, 7 useful tips

Sunny positions, fertile soil and constant watering: here’s how to grow peppers in pots Growing peppers in  pots is easy, in fact we can share  the  care with children. To see the vegetables grow on the balcony and in the city, we plan for a sunny position and do not neglect watering.

Upstream, to choose the varieties, we can undoubtedly take into consideration the color, green, yellow or red.

Growing peppers in pots, 7 useful tips

1)  These vegetables love heat and suffer from low temperatures. To position them, we choose areas well exposed to the sun.

2)  To grow peppers, let’s take fairly large pots. If we insert only one plant, it is preferable that they have a width and depth of at least thirty centimeters. If we want to plant two or three seedlings, let’s focus on boxes at least 40-60 centimeters long. In any case, we prepare the containers with a piece of earthenware on the base hole, without blocking it completely, and some expanded clay, so as to allow the water to drain.

3)  For peppers, medium-textured, fertile soil is recommended.

4)  As regards irrigation, we try to be constant and do not wait for the soil to become dry.

5)  Especially if we are beginners, let’s start growing peppers in pots from seedlings. Alternatively, to start with sowing, we proceed between winter and spring.

6)  To grow peppers in pots, as they develop, we can fertilize them with nettle macerate.

7)  In addition to topping, we plan to use stakes about half a meter long: we will need them to support the peppers, especially if our balcony is located in a windy area.