Conspiracy theory about Diddy starting the wi:ldfire in LA: Are he and the flames connected in a sinister llots

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These conspiracy theorists need a sensitivity check.

Jimmy Kimmel returned to his late night talk show on Tuesday (January 14) to address the wildfires ravaging Los Angeles and tearfully ask his audience to do whatever they can to help those most affected by the natural disaster. However, he also took some time to tear apart various conspiracy theories about them that range from insensitive and ungrateful to ridiculous and downright illogical. One of them comes from Kimmel’s brother, who reportedly ran into a woman who genuinely believed that Diddy started the fires from his New York prison cell to cover up evidence of “pedophile escape tunnels” in the city.

“Thank God fire isn’t fueled by stupid. Or this country will be one giant Olympic torch right now,” Jimmy Kimmel joked. Before that, he also showed a map of the fires and pointed out that Diddy’s home is nowhere near them, which is one of many easy debunks to this conspiracy theory. Sean Combs’ legal scandal right now led many to reach dark corners of social media and Internet gossip to tie it into this tragedy, which shows how complacent people are with seeking stories and not facts.

Jimmy Kimmel’s Monologue Addressing L.A. Fires

Apart from Jimmy Kimmel, many other celebrities have spoken out about the Los Angeles wildfires. “Does anyone else find it appalling that insurance companies can take billions of dollars out of communities for years. And then, all of a sudden, be allowed to cancel millions of policies for the very people they became rich on?” Tyler Perry recently argued. “People who paid premiums all of their lives left with nothing because of pure greed. As I am in the process of trying to figure out what steps to take to do all I can to help as many as I can, I am keeping everyone in my prayers.”

Meanwhile, as for Diddy, he recently argued that the “freak-off” tapes will actually prove his innocence, as they will display consensual activity. He has a long way to go before his May trial on federal charges of sex trafficking and racketeering, but that hasn’t stopped many people from making up their own stories and crimes.