How to grow peppers at home: the secret to having abundant production

If you want to know how to grow peppers at home and have a bountiful harvest, then carefully follow these recommendations: only then will this vegetable grow abundantly.

How to grow peppers at home
How  to grow peppers at home  and with minimal effort? Revealed  the secret  that will allow you to bring this vegetable to your table in abundance. Here are the tips you need to treasure.

Home-friendly vegetable garden

It is absolutely not true that in order to  grow fruit and vegetables  it is necessary to have many hectares of land or a large garden available. There are some  varieties of plants  that  can grow very well even in an apartment or on the balcony of the house .

Vegetable garden on balconyDo you know  the Chinese mandarin plant ? It is small, does not require special care and can give you  juicy fruits  even if you place it on the terrace or in a bright corner of your home.

Of course, there are also plants that instead require  more space in which to grow , such as  tomatoes  for example, which depending on the variety can even exceed one meter in height. In this case, it would be advisable to bury these plants in a rather large garden or vegetable garden.

And  the peppers  instead? Vegetable loved by Italians, it lends itself to the realization of  healthy and exquisite dishes . Did you know that you can  also grow this plant at home ? Here are all  the tips  to have a healthy and abundant harvest.

How to grow peppers at home: the infallible technique

Among the vegetables most consumed and appreciated by Italians, there are  peppers  that can also be grown at home, did you know? In fact, we tell you even more:  they are among the easiest and most rewarding crops in terms of yield , but only if you follow precise rules.

Pepper plantToday you will find out just  how to grow peppers at home , in a short time and producing  a bountiful harvest . We want to share with you  the infallible remedy  that will make you bring many peppers to your table.

To put this technique into practice, you must first buy  a pepper  from the greengrocer or supermarket. Cut it in half and  collect all the seeds contained in it.

Alternatively, you can also  buy pepper seeds directly in the store . Both in the first and in the second case there will be no need to wait for  the seeds to dry  but we can proceed immediately to sowing.

Get  yourself a rather large pot and fill it with garden soil added with  organic fertilizer  such as chopped egg shells, for example. Make sure the  soil is sufficiently moist  and well drained because  peppers cannot stand stagnant water.

Now you will have to start  spreading your pepper seeds in the soil  you have put inside the pot and  water them once a day : after 3 days you will only begin to notice small and green shoots.

Remember to place the  pot containing the seeds of peppers in a cool, bright but not too much,  where the sun’s rays do not come to hit the sprouts directly.

What happens after only 7 days is even more incredible:  the seedlings will have developed roots by now  and are ready to grow again. So move the pot to a warm and bright place, remembering  to water the soil at least once a  day, every day.

After 15 days from the first planting, you can add an organic or organic fertilizer  to help the plants grow faster. If you want  large, healthy peppers with a shiny natural coloring, you will always need to keep the plant  in a sunny place and water it daily.

Technique for growing peppers at homeIf, on the contrary, there is no sunlight, the  plant will grow tall but weak and break easily , blocking the production of peppers. Pepper is a plant that  needs a lot of nutrients , so do not forget to  fertilize it at least once every 15 days.

After 25 days,  the seedlings will already be large enough to be pruned and planted in separate pots.  Take as many pots (smaller in size) as there are seedlings to be buried.  Fill them with moist and fertilized soil , make furrows and bury your plants.  Always water regularly at least once a day . After a month, you will start to see the first colorful peppers on your plants!

Tips for a healthy and lush pepper plant

To have  a pepper plant  that gives you plenty of fruit, you need to follow these tips.

Tips to have peppers in abundanceAlways remember that:

  • You need to water your pepper plants at least once a day and every day;
  • The best time for watering is early in the morning;
  • The ideal temperature for growing peppers ranges between 21 ° and 32 °.

If you follow our advice and put into practice  the technique  we have explained to you, you will have no problems:  your pepper plants will grow strong and healthy  but above all you will have an organic and abundant harvest.